Aucun événement à afficher
Nos actus
soins palliatifs et urgences
11 mars 2025à l'occasion de la défense de thèse de M. Delphine Bourmorck
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New article published in 'Journal of Infection'
Impact of mass vaccination campaigns on measles transmission during a nationwide outbreak in Guinea, 2017
Authors: Linton, Natalie ; Keita, Mory ; Rodrigues Leal Moitinho De Almeida, Maria ;
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New report
A frontline white paper in French-speaking Belgium
Authors : Alvarez Irusta, Lucia ; Belche, Jean-Luc ; Biston, Christine ; Buret, Laetitia ; D'Ans, Pierre ; Defraine, Fabian ; Delabye, Kathy
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New article published in 'Addictive Behaviors'
Publication: Never-smoking adolescents’ perceived accessibility of cigarettes following an increase in the tobacco age-of-sale from 16 to 18: A quasi-experimental study of two cities in the Netherland
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